Are you following some weight loss program to look attractive?

Did you feel hungry ? did you feel that Bain in the bit of

You stomach?.how much are you baying to get that program?

Is it more than a dollar?how do you think it feels to die due to

Hunger? Or better how do you think it feels if one or all your

Children die from hunger?

Do you think that a dollar per day is enough for a person?

how about a dollar a day per a family?

Yes, complete families live with less than a dollar per day

Do Exist in this world.

A family of a father a mother and maybe two children live

With such income .

5.6 billion people living in that world of 6.7 billion have a lower

Standard of living i.e. 103 low and middle income countries

1.4 billion of those live with less than 1.25$ per day

Dear fellow human how would you feel if you had to live

With less than a dollar per day

They say life isn't fair I think that 1 fifth of humans isn't

Fair. Life gave us equal opportunities but you fought to steal

From Africans from Asians from your selves even.

How does it feel to have a nice house with a garden

A beautiful car and a bank account while people next door

Have to eat from your waste does it make you feel strong,

Smart and more educated.

Do you enjoy a good candle dinner eating a turkey drinking

Some expensive wine .

Let me tell you how some people eat in third world countries

Some people have to make soup with chicken heads yes

Chicken heads to feed their children.

Some live on black type of bread and beans if found.

Some live directly from garbage cans.

Those people live in hunger for you to drink a diet coke

After your expensive low calorie food to look fit and healthy,

For you to look attractive.

Did you know that some countries throw wheat in the sea

And pay its farmers to grow some more.

Did you know that agriculture ministers in some countries are

Forced to resign because they tried to grow more wheat?

Tell me who is running that world?

Did you know that wars are fought just to keep a strong army?

Did you know that wars are fought to keep your life style?

Did you know that the cost of war on Iraq is 663 billion dollars

And counting?

Did you know that war on Afghanistan is 186 billion dollars

And counting?

How much one dollar income per day is that for Africans,

Asians,or even Latin Americans?

Do you think your dog eats with more than a dollar per day?

Please think again and consider your country”s policy.

Please think again and reconsider your humanity.